Money-Saving Car Purchase Tips That You Should Be Aware Of

Car dealers in price negotiations have deceived many people because they accept whatever is offered. You are about to learn the tactics of traders and how to work around them. First, you need to understand what constitutes reseller profits. In addition to the manufacturer’s recommended retail price, a dealer also receives financial incentives from the manufacturer when selling a new car. This is known as a holdback. Depending on the car, dealers earn a lot of money from withholdings on new purchases. Below are tips Money saving car purchase tips that you should keep in mind.

Buy your “almost new” car.

Most car buyers know how quickly a new car can lose value. As soon as you leave the parking lot, your value has already dropped by a few percent. So instead of spending your money on a new car, buy one that is only a few years old. Most car dealerships sell their cars without leasing at high discounts. You will have an almost new car, well maintained and dealer certified, for thousands of dollars less than you would pay for a new car. The risk is minimal, and the savings are substantial.

Save money on your financing.

With a significant down payment and a healthy credit rating, you can save a lot of money on your financing costs and negotiate a low-interest rate. It is worthwhile for some manufacturers who only offer 0 percent financing. So if you plan to buy a vehicle in the next year, check your creditworthiness and save on your down payment. Like when purchasing a home, the more money you can afford, the more significant your savings throughout the loan.

Don’t be picky about colors.

Instead of ordering your vehicle individually painted ex-works, opt for an immediately available dealer area or an available model. You avoid factory shipping costs and customer-specific order costs. And since you’re taking some of your existing inventory from a dealer, they’re more likely to make you a better deal to remove the vehicle from the parking lot.


If you’re willing to forego the glitz of newer car models and drive a car with mileage already registered, the overall money savings you get can be surprising. If you take a little more time general to find a combination of the most personal car preferences and the best financial deal, the overall purchase becomes more rewarding.